State Representative Joel Johnson conducts interviews during Mock Interview Day. |
More than 200 high
school students from Clare, Gladwin, and Isabella counties recently practiced
job interviews and had their resumes critiqued during this year’s Mock
Interview Day; an annual event presented by a committee representing Central
Michigan University, Clare-Gladwin RESD, Gladwin County Economic Development
Corporation, Manitowoc Foodservice, Middle Michigan Development Corporation,
Michigan Works! 7B Consortium, and MSU Extension.
Clare County Sheriff John Wilson interviews a student during Mock Interview Day. |
High school juniors
and seniors from Beal City, Beaverton, Clare, Farwell, Gladwin, Harrison, and Shepherd
gathered at Central Michigan University’s Bovee Center to strengthen those
essential career competencies with guidance from approximately 65 area
professionals who volunteered their time to conduct the interviews and
critiques. Informational workshops were also offered by Bandit Industries, Inc.
and MSU Extension covering topics including job etiquette, interview skills,
budgeting, and proper interview attire.
Brent Mishler of Mid Michigan Community College participates in Mock Interview Day. |
“After today, I
feel like I could go into an interview with confidence,” said a student
participant. Another student commented, “I really enjoyed this experience. It will
help me in the future and I think a lot of kids should experience it too.”
Mock Interview Day
2015 was made possible by generous contributions from the following
Heather Harris of Bandit Industries, Inc. offered educational sessions for students. |
- Manitowoc Foodservice
- Mitsuba
- Future Mold
- Highland Plastics, Inc.
- Michigan Works! Region 7B
- Mid Michigan Human Resource
- MidMichigan Health
- Burkhart-Presidio Insurance
- Clare-Gladwin RESD
- StageRight Corporation
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